#MP3-4u HELP! Are you lost? Unsure of what to do or how to do it? This page is for YOU!
Click a question (above) to jump to the answer! /msg ClsscRock on #MP3-4u with your suggestion(s) for MORE questions you would like to see answered here! Note: We will be working on these pages for a while so bear with us and ask in channel if you are not sure of something! Meanwhile I'll give some information for you to at least get to us! How to find us: [overview] Our IRC channel is where we are at. To find us you will need a program (IRC-client software) such as mIRC or pIRCh. You will have to join an UNDERNET server (there are over a hundred different IRC networks!) and then join our channel. There are many programs you can use but I will focus on how to use mirc to find us (and later I will add instructions for pirch-users). Once you are on our channel, feel free to ask questions. Be patient since a lot of times we are in another window working on projects or AFK (away from keyboard). Open mIRC and click the status button. You will see a window with a text-entry bar beneath it. That is where you type in commands and hit ENTER to send/perform the commands. Almost all commands have a / (slash) before them and then the command (no spaces between the slash and the command AND the slash MUST be the first thing on the line - no spaces before it)... To connect to an UNDERNET server you can type in the command manually or use the OPTIONS, CONNECT menu and choose an undernet server. There are MANY undernet servers that are all connected together. I will list a couple for you to try to connect to manually... enter this command in the status window in mirc and hit return... /server newbrunswick.nj.us.undernet.org or /server dallas.tx.us.undernet.org or /server sandiego.ca.us.undernet.org If one server is busy or full try another. Almost all undernet servers use the format city.state.country.undernet.org so you can even find others by using major cities (like toronto.on.ca.undernet.org). It SEEMS tough but once you do it a couple times you will be used to it :-) ONCE you are connected you will be sitting there looking at the status window and be totally lost as to what to do next. Fear not! All you need do to join OUR channel is type in another command... /join #mp3-4u (note: the number sign IS necessary in mirc but not in pirch). After a moment you will see another window and button (up top) appear. On the side you will see a list of nicknames (of who is in the channel right now), and the larger part of the window will have the massages that people send to the channel. Under that you will see another text-bar where you can type and send your messages to the channel. Please see the channel RULES page so you understand what is acceptable and what is not. Click this to go back to the TOP How to find a song: Most people who offer their MP3 songs to you run a script program with mirc that allows you to search for songs easily! to locate who has a certain song you are looking for type this command... @find <artist or song name> (where <artist or song name> means any phrase or word that is part of the filename. Most all people have their MP3's by artist name and then song name. Keep in mind that "@find rock" will return ANY song that has the word "rock" in it or artist name with "rock" in it! so you will receive a LOT of results you may NOT be looking for, from "kid rock" to "good rockin' tonight". Also, MOST people limit your results to ONLY 5 items so you may want to make sure your search is unique to prevent too many results :-) Click this to go back to the TOP How to get someone's list of songs: Most people will send you a text file with all of their available songs that you can browse at your leisure with a text reading program (like notepad or wordpad). Most even provide the entire command for getting a song from them that you need only copy & paste to the channel window! The command to get someone's list is @nickname (make sure the @ is the first character on the line and that there is no spaces between the @ and their name. Example: @ClsscRock or @`InZain).
Click this to go back to the TOP How to get a song from someone: To get a song you simply type in an exclamation point as the first character on the line, followed by the person's nickname you are getting the song from (remember, no space between the ! and the nickname) and THEN a space and then the filename/song (exactly as it is shown in their list or as a find/search result) Example: !ClsscRock (led_zeppelin)-stairway_to_heaven.mp3 or `InZain (david_gilmour)-there's_no_way_out_of_here.mp3
Please keep in mind that serving MP3's is a way to 'demo' a song before you buy. Keeping the song more than 24 hours without buying the media from the company who made it available to the public is considered a copywrite infringement and as such is considered ILLEGAL in most places! Feel free to download what you want but we take NO responsibility with legal-enforcement of these MP3's and for any resulting liabilities incurred if you do NOT delete the MP3's within 24 hours. We are NOT here to make problems, just to show off our favorite music and songs for others to enjoy also! Please see the disclaimer on the HOME/WELCOME page!
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